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Live revision sessions, Q&A and discussion panels for students and teachers. All our live sessions are recorded and available to watch again.
BTEC Applied Psychology
Study Livestream
The influence of biology on behaviour and genetics is the focus for this BTEC Applied Psychology live revision session.
GCSE History
Study Livestream
In this live GCSE History revision session we consider how Hitler became Chancellor in 1933.
GCSE Sociology
Study Livestream
In this live GCSE Sociology revision session we recap the key research methods content students need to know!
A-Level Politics
Study Livestream
Nationalism is the focus for this livestreamed A-Level Politics revision session.
GCSE Geography
Study Livestream
Our focus for this GCSE Geography live revision session is the move towards a post-industrial economy in the UK.
GCSE Business
Study Livestream
Sources of finance - another core GCSE Business topic - are what we're covering in this 30-minute study livestream.
AQA A-Level Sociology
Study Livestream
In this study livestream we explore the relationship between globalisation and crime.
A-Level Economics
Study Livestream
Balance of Payments is our focus for this 30-minute study livestream for all A-Level Economics students.
A-Level Law
Study Livestream
Gross negligence manslaughter is the topic for this A-Level Law livestream revision sesson.
A-Level Geography
Study Livestream
Urban policy and regeneration in Britain is the focus for this live A-Level Geography revision session. This session is particularly suitable for AQA students.