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Live revision sessions, Q&A and discussion panels for students and teachers. All our live sessions are recorded and available to watch again.


Social Class & Ethnicity Revision Blast

AQA A-Level Sociology

Replay from 6.30pm (GMT), Wednesday 8th March 2023

Join Katie, Craig and Duncan for 30 minutes or so fast-paced revision looking synoptically at social class and ethnicity across a range of topic areas.


Labour Markets Revision Blast

A-Level Economics

Replay from 6.30pm (GMT), Wednesday 8th March 2023

Join Nicky and Isobel for 30 minutes of quick fire revision activities on labour markets.


Referendums Revision Blast

A-Level Politics

Replay from 4.30pm (GMT), Wednesday 8th March 2023

Join Ciara, Clive and Duncan for 30 minutes or so of fast-paced revision about referendums and their significance in UK politics. Useful for students studying Edexcel or AQA A Level Politics. Do join it!


Globalisation Revision Blast

AQA A Level Sociology

Replay from 6.30pm (GMT), Wednesday 1st March 2023

Join Duncan, Katie and Craig for a revision blast looking at a number of the topic areas across the Sociology A Level, with the link being the synoptic link of globalisation. How has globalisation impacted on education or crime? What do the different theoretical perspectives think about globalisation? How does it impact your optional topics. These fast-paced, interactive activities will explore these questions.


Economic Welfare and Economic Efficiency Revision Blast

A-Level Economics

Replay from 6.30pm (GMT), Wednesday 1st March 2023

Join Ollie and Peter for 30 minutes of quick fire revision activities on economic welfare and economic efficiency.


Structure v Action Revision Blast

AQA A-Level Sociology

Replay from 6.30pm (GMT), Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Join Katie, Craig and Duncan for a fast-paced revision blast looking at structural and social action theories across core topics and theory and methods.


European Economics Revision Blast

A-Level Economics

Replay from 6.30pm (GMT), Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Join Geoff and Nicky for 30 minutes of quick fire revision activities on European Economics.


Politics in the News

A Level Politics Discussion Panel

Replay from 5pm (GMT), Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Join Ciara, Duncan and Clive for some topical political chat, linking recent news stories to debates and issues in the A Level specifications.


International Competitiveness Revision Blast

A-Level Economics

Replay from 11am (GMT), Friday 17th February 2023

Join Geoff for a fast-paced, 30 minute live revision session on international competitiveness.


Exchange Rates Revision Blast

A-Level Economics

Replay from 11am (GMT), Thursday 16th February 2023

Join Geoff for a fast-paced, 30 minute live revision session on exchange rates.

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