WowLaw London and Manchester
27th November 2013
The first of the WowLaw events that have taken place in London and Manchester received excellent feedback from delegates who left the event with tangible resources created specifically for some topics enabling learners to actually access the material but also generic resources which can be adapted for many topics allowing teachers to demonstrate their creativity! Having been part of the Manchester team delivering the session, delegates were actively engaged in the session and more than willing participants putting themselves in the place of learners with various activities - so thank you!
As a creator of some of the resources and an A-Level Law teacher, resources are created to ensure learner engagement, differentiation, stretch and challenge and spiritual, moral, cultural and social aspects which the latter is easy to access within the topic. An example is, Celebrity Offenders, used more recently with both my AS classes with learners identifying the aggravating and mitigating factors of a real case and deciding on a sentence (realistic!) based on prior knowledge. The incremental offences therefore allowed for differentiation amongst learners so differentiation takes place by task rather that outcome - an OFSTED must!