
Wow! Law feedback from Manchester and London in November 2013

Jim Riley

28th November 2013

Further to the introduction of Wow! Law showcasing in London and Manchester the team have received excellent feedback from delegates.

"I used 'Don't Repeat Ronnie' yesterday, it went down a treat!"
"Thanks to Sarah and Laura for running yesterday’s CPD session for Wow! Law. Personally I found the collection of resources very well presented and something that will bring a new lease of life into my very tired looking resources."
"I attended the Law wow course yesterday in Manchester and can I start off by saying what a great day it was. I feel there was a range of resources suitable for experienced and experienced law teachers. My only comment would be is I don’t know where to start as there was so much stuff!!"
"Thank you very much for the wonderful and very productive event last Thursday which was excellent. I am very pleased to have attended and look forward to feeding the information back to my team at our meeting this week. Thank you also for the pack of materials – a gold mine of worthwhile activities, which proved to me that I am not a proficient in MS PowerPoint as I first believed."

Thank you to our delegates for making the event such a success!

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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