
The Bedroom Tax - including video clips

Andy Howells

15th May 2014 a really useful vehicle at present for looking at Statutory Interpretation, the Rule of Law and the role of precedent in developing the law. The law (officially known as the Under Occupation Charge, and part of the Welfare Reform Act 2012) sees recipients of housing benefit losing 14% of their benefit if a room is deemed unoccupied, rising to 25% for two rooms. This unpopular policy has been subject to a series of challenges, resulting in rulings on the minimum size of a room that can count as a bedroom, and a judicial review case presently before the High Court regarding the rule allegedly discriminating against children needing overnight care - see the videos below. Top material on the role of the Courts, precedent, and Statutory Interpretation.

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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