
Supreme Court dismisses Christian couple’s appeal under The Equality Act 2010

Jim Riley

27th November 2013

The Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal from a Christian B&B couple who refused to allow a homosexual couple to share a room at their guesthouse as it was against their religious beliefs. In The Guardian it was reported "The Supreme Court judges said that although the guesthouse owners' rights under the European Convention on Human Rights to manifest their religion were at issue it was justifiable and proportionate to limit them in order to protect the rights of others." The Equality Act 2010 cites that both parties have recognised protected characteristics under the Act nevertheless this judgment therefore confirms that each of these parties has the same right to be protected against discrimination by the other.

Given the importance of the judgment, drawing it to the attention of learners enables the discussion of social, moral cultural and spiritual development and the sensitive nature of some of the cases that progress through the courts. Further discussion could be sought in relation to how the case was initially brought to court including the appeals process and also a discussion in relation to Judicial Precedent and Law and Morality particularly for those who teach AQA.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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