
Sam Hallam is freed

Andy Howells

17th May 2012

After seven years in jail for a crime he did not commit, Sam Hallam was released on bail today. This case shows that miscarriages of justice are still with us, and highlights the role of the Criminal Cases Review Commission. It appears that photos on Mr Hallam’s mobile phone may have shown the jury that the alibi that he relied on was not “a concoction”.

It is also interesting to note that Mr Hallam’s exercising of the right to silence during his interview may not have helped matters.Of course, following the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 it is now possible for the jury to draw adverese inferences from this that historically it was not.

See below for a video clip. The Sam Hallam campaign website is also full of useful content.

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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