
Operation Cotton verdict reversed

Andy Howells

21st May 2014

The controversial ruling that a complex fraud trial could not go ahead due to barristers boycotting such cases after a 30% cut in fees has been reversed by the Court of Appeal - albeit with the rider that such a stay could again be necessary at a later stage As well as being a good example of the hierarchy of the courts in action, this is a victory for the embattled Chris Grayling at the Ministry of Justice.Students will note that the judges took time to emphasise the crucial importance of having skilled advocates "capable of undertaking publicly funded work", and that Sir Brian Leveson (for it is he) noted that "the maintenance of a criminal justice system of which we can be proud depends on a sensible resolution of the issues."Some of the twitter reaction is below:

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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