
Oceanbulk Shipping v TMT Asia [2010] UKSC 44

Andy Howells

16th November 2010

This case, decided recently in the Supreme Court, makes useful reading for Contract Law students.

The court can consider the objective facts of the parties pre-contractual negotiations when trying to work out the true intentions of the parties - nd now, it appears, even those negotiations entered into on a “without prejudice” basis.

Following the ruling, it appears that “without prejudice” negotiations - traditionally intended to allow the parties to negotiate freely - may now be admissible if it helps the judge work out the intentions of the parties in order to rule on exactly how the contract should be constructed.

A good opportunity for your students to analyse a new decision - do they think it’s a good idea to create an exception to the without prejudice rule? Is this fair, or not? What’s the impact on certainty?

For AS students, Oceanbulk is also a case where the Court took into account the (persuasive) decision of a lower Court - namely the Court of Appeal in Unilever v Proctor & Gamble [2000] 1 WLR 2436.

If this case seems dry, your students might want to consider the damages at stake - between three and four hundred million dollars…

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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