
New Secretary of State for Justice

Andy Howells

12th September 2012

Chris Grayling ousted Ken Clarke as the Minister for Justice in the recent cabinet re-shuffle. He is expected to be more right-wing - so will we see a move away from rehabilitation in sentencing, for example? Grayling is also the first non-lawyer to hold the post since the reforms set out in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, a move that has met with no little criticism from commentators as respected as Joshua Rozenberg , who worries, inter alia, that Grayling, as a politician apparently on the way up, may go chasing easy headlines on human rights, for example.Definitely a situation to watch - how will the legal profession, for example, react?

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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