
My top 10 legal tweeters.. who are yours?

Andy Howells

6th December 2013

Twitter is of course an outstandingly useful source of teaching ideas. There is also a thriving community of legal tweeters out there, which makes twitter a fantastic way to stay up to date with legal developments as they happen. Here are my top 10 legal tweeters:1. @garyslapper - Times columnist, academic, barrister. And very funny man!2. @joshuarozenberg - probably the best-known legal columnist out there. An authoritative take on the big stories.3. @charonqc - founder of BPP law school. Freelance commentator and prolific tweeter.4. @adamwagner1 - fantastic on human rights issues - as he should be, as a human rights barrister and founding editor of @familoo - family law barrister behind the Pink Tape blog. Excellent on family issues and cases such as the recent Essex caesearean controversy.6. @carlgardner - barrister, former government lawyer and author of the excellent Head of Legal blog.7. @thecriminalbar - worth a follow just to understand how deep opposition runs to the government's plans in this area...8. @thelawmap - good for an overview of what's currently happening, recent judgments, etc.9. @davidallengreen lawyer and legal writer for Also authors the fantastic Jack of Kent blog.10 @TheICLR - publishers of the Law Reports. A view of developments from Chancery Lane.So... there are 10 for starters. There are many more! Feel free to follow me on twitter too - @lawteacher . It would be good to know your favourite law accounts to follow... tweet me or leave a comment below!

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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