
Legal Professionals

Jim Riley

17th January 2014

When teaching this topic it's easy to forget that learners are learning a wide vocabulary of legal jargon as well as the training, work and regulation of the professionals. Enabling learners to access this information and demonstrate their learning and understanding can sometimes present a challenge which can be overcome through other methods rather than learners completing merely descriptive questions which focus lower on Bloom's taxonomy. As with previous lessons, I inform my learners about my fictitious law firm - Miller & Gregson Solicitors (see Dispute? Resolve it! resources created for ADR) for which some of them have been invited for an interview of the role of Solicitor, Chartered Legal Executive or in terms of the employed Bar, a Barrister. This is all taken from my resource Interview Me!

Learners are familiar with the concept of Miller & Gregson and the prestige in which my law firm operates and they are budding candidates for the available positions. Learners subsequently revise the topic at home in the prescribed manner, revision cards, moodle activities, mindmaps. Some learners are interviewers and some are candidates therefore the interviewers need to create appropriate interview questions e.g. open to demonstrate they have the kills of the particular position. Some learners are invited to attend an interview in appropriate dress therefore setting the scene. This itself allows learners to demonstrate their communication skills, thinking and social skills whilst providing them with some expectations as to the process of undertaking an interview. Some learners can find this particularly daunting thinking about speaking out infront of their peers so accommodation of this and learners working in small interview groups may be appropriate with interviewers noting candidates responses for review. To consolidate, all the learners questions and answers can be added to a revision sheet as a revision activity or for use as revision cards. This is a great opportunity for learners to develop their confidence through public speaking and working with peers of whom they may have not have done previously.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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