
ECJ rules against Google on privacy

Andy Howells

14th May 2014

Who doesn't love a bit of EU Law? Oh.Anyway, this is a nice accessible case for students to illustrate the work of the ECJ, which has rules that under the EU Data Protection Directive, Google is deemed a "data controller" and has to remove search results relating to a Spanish national whose property had been auctioned off to pay his social security debts.The case seems to recognise a "right to be forgotten" and may even apply to legally published data once it becomes out of date. Some have criticised the decision as a rogues' charter which will damage online businesses, whilst others see it as a landmark case for the right to privacy. So some nice big themes at play - and there is a public interest test to fall back on...

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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