
Delegated Legislation

Jim Riley

23rd February 2014

Delegated legislation is a topic learners can find difficult to engage with and an area of which they may shy away from in the exams particularly in relation the controls of delegated and the effectiveness of the same. The question is, how do we engage learners to overcome this difficulty?

The reality is learners aren't really going to encounter delegated legislation and this therefore creates a sense of detachment from the topic. To counteract this I use real life examples to demonstrate the current need/use of delegated

e.g. A current bill going through Parliament is the Children and Families Bill relating to adoption, children in care as well as other aspects of the family justice system. This bill has just had its second reading but most importantly an aspect that has made the media is the Labour campaign to ban smoking in cars where there are children on board; and this bill proceeding allows the Government Minister (Health Secretary) create a Statutory Instrument banning the same. As this bill is an Enabling Act it provides learners with an opportunity to see the controls by Parliament in practice and consider the effectiveness of the same.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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