
Defence of Martial Coercion set for abolition

Andy Howells

1st February 2014

An interesting example of law reform in action here with the news that the defence run by Vicky Price in her recent trial is set to be abolished. Currently a woman who can show that an offence committed under coercion from and in the presence of her husband can have a complete defence to all offences excepting murder and treason.An amendment to the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing bill will provide for the repeal of this defence, which is only available to a woman who is married to a man, which has been seen as an anachronism.For our criminal law students out there, note that the general defence of duress is unaffected by the change.A great story, with applications for both law reform and the legislative process as well as the criminal law make this one A Level Law gold!

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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