
Coulson, Brooks, Cameron... and the Jury!

Andy Howells

25th June 2014

Fascinating to see the outcome of the phone hacking trial this week, with Andy Coulson found guilty of x, Rebekah Brooks walking free, and a ticking off for David Cameron from the trial judge!Here's the full text (via @markfrankel29) of the judge's response to an application to discharge the jury as a result of the publicity following the PM's comments, due to the fact that, it was argued, Coulson and Clive Goodman could no longer receive a fair trial on the remaining two counts:The text of this is fab - and not just for the telling off issued to the PM for "missing the point". it also contains reference to other cases put forward as precedent, including R v McCann, as well as drawing students' attention to the importance of the jury remaining free from outside influence, and the rule of law even gets a mention!It is also heartening to read the judge's praise of the jury in this complex, long case. Perhaps Felicity Gerry in this article is correct to assert that jury trial isn't broken, and doesn't need fixing...

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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