Case Grids- AS/A level Law
8th May 2013
Do you use case grids? Do you know what they are? Know how to make them effective?
I always ask my students to complete a case grid on each topic of work they are currently studying.
Getting them to complete these before the unit is taught makes them 1- more independent and 2- more aware of what they may need support on in their learning.
So what is a case grid? I refer to it as a collection of students notes on key cases for a unit of work.
Getting students to complete one using the below headings should help students really consolidate the key elements of all units of work.
Remind students to use the same 'spacing' as below to reflect on the importance of points of law compared to facts of the case!
Students should then use their case grids for revision- as essentially for A2 Law, cases should form the background behind all revision.
For Level 5 answers at least 8 cases must be discussed.
Any comments- give me a shout!