
Bringing the House of Lords to life

Andy Howells

13th May 2014 not always easy. However there are a few tools out there to show students how the Lords in all its undemocratic glory operates. Students can hopefully gain an insight into the Lords as a living, breathing institution, for all the peers asleep on the red benches in debates!For example, the Lords now has its own twitter feed:which is a great way for students to get a feel for the business of the Upper House.The Lords Digital Chamber offers a way for students to connect with members of the House of Lords and includes YouTube clips, tweets and blogs.Parliament TV carries live feeds from both chambers of the House of Commons. Students can find out about the work of the House of Lords Select Committees here and about the progress of Bills through the Lords here.I feel a bit of a project coming on for next year's AS.....

Andy Howells

Andy Howells is Head of Law at a large northern Sixth Form College and a former solicitor.

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