Job Vacancy

Contributor for WJEC Criminology

tutor2u, Remote / Yorkshire

Job type
Casual (Part time)
Remote / Yorkshire
To be confirmed
Closing date
Interview date(s)
To be confirmed
Start date

About the role

tutor2u Criminology are looking for experienced WJEC Criminology contributors to support our development of resources, teacher CPD and student courses for that qualification.

Find out more or apply

Contributors should:

  • Be an experienced teacher and examiner for WJEC Criminology
  • Be able to create and write high quality resources, including assessment materials
  • Have a understanding of the course, exams, and improving student confidence and grades

If you are interested in working with us, please send your CV and include an outline of a lesson that would help students develop exam technique, along with an example of an original exam style question and model answer to

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