Teaching Activities
Induction Activity: Set the Tone
- Level:
- BTEC National, BTEC Tech Award, T-Level
- Board:
- NCFE, Pearson BTEC
Last updated 11 Aug 2023
These induction activities are designed to facilitate understanding of the different types of people we meet in life and their experiences.
With an emphasis on tolerance, empathy, respect and equality, they will help to both ‘set the tone’ of the classroom and begin to highlight the adjustments we need to make to our own behaviours and the skills we need to develop, to meet the needs of the diverse range of people that use health and social care services.
There are seven main activities, although some have multiple parts. They vary in length and the amount of set-up required. they can be used as part of a structured induction programme, or to introduce topics such as anti-discriminatory practice, equality, diversity and rights, autism and dementia awareness.
Although largely suitable for all levels of qualification, teachers should use their discretion when deciding which activities to undertake and which video clips to show.

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