Study Notes

Physical Changes in Middle Adulthood (46-65 years): Menopause

BTEC National

Last updated 29 Sept 2019

During the ages of 45-55 fertility gradually reduces and results in the menopause. The menopause can take a number of years to complete.

The menopause is characterised by a continuation in the reduction of oestrogen levels that started during perimenopause. Alongside this, the number of eggs that can be fertilised is reduced and periods gradually come to an end.

Symptoms of the Menopause and the Role of Hormones

Fall in oestrogen levels results in:

  • The ovaries no longer producing eggs
  • Hot flushes and night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Thinning of the vagina

Fall in both oestrogen and progesterone results in:

  • Periods stopping
  • Reduction of libido (sex drive)

In some women, the reduction of these sex hormones can also result in osteoporosis (weak bones) that can lead to breakages.

The Effects of the Menopause

  • Some women experience overwhelming sadness that they are no longer able to have children, and this can affect their self-image of being a ‘desirable’ woman.
  • Self-esteem and self-image can become low, which may impact on self-confidence and on quality of life during this transitional stage of the lifespan.
  • For some women, the menopause can be very severe and can result in anxiety and depression. As this stage marks the end of having children, some women experience periods of low mood and may be upset that they are no longer able to get pregnant. This, in turn, can affect their self-esteem and self-image because of the physical changes they are experiencing.

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