Study Notes

Intellectual Development Through Adulthood and the Effects of Age on the Functions of Memory

BTEC National

Last updated 23 Sept 2022

In this study note we highlight some key features of intellectual development through adulthood.

Early Adulthood

During early adulthood, individuals continue to develop logical thinking. This is now applied (alongside skills and knowledge) into the workplace, where they are tasked to problem solve and make decisions about more complex situations.

Middle Adulthood

As people move into middle adulthood, their ability to retrieve information may be more difficult. There is some dispute as to whether our memory is starting to decline (where did I put my phone) or whether our brain starts to focus on other information.

How Age Affects the Functions of Memory in Later Adulthood

  • Memory loss that occurs during later adulthood can result in difficulty recalling and learning new information.
  • In most cases this is not clinical memory loss, but what scientists refer to as lapses in memory function.
  • Daily activities such as completing word and number puzzles help to keep the brain active and healthy.
  • Severe issues with recall and remembering may indicate cognitive decline and types of dementia that would require further testing by specialists.
  • Scientists have discovered that throughout adulthood new brain cells are produced within the hippocampus. This is the areas of the brain that is involved in learning, memory and emotions.

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