In the News
The benefits of homesharing and inter-generational living

10th August 2022
A recent government blog summarised the benefits of schemes such as Homeshare - a model of shared living which matches people with spare rooms, with people who are happy to chat and lend a hand around the house in return for affordable, sociable accommodation.
The post - The joy of Homeshare - on the Government's Social Care Blog lists the benefits of this type of intergenerational living as follows:
- 96% of householders reported feeling less lonely since their homesharers moved in
- 86% reported feeling happier
- Householders feel safer and comforted with an overnight presence in the home
- Homesharers enjoy giving back to the local community
This type of shared experience doesn't have to be confined to private homes. The video below features the UK's first intergenerational care home - actually a care home and a children's day nursey on the same site.
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