In the News

Stem cells and foetal surgery: Improving outcomes through regenerative medicine

Liz Blamire

13th October 2022

Last week the BBC reported on the successful use of a 'stem cell patch' to repair spina bifida in babies in-utero (inside the uterus, before birth).

This is a fantastic example of regenerative medicine - the use of stem cells to replace body tissues and parts of organs that are damaged by injury or disease.

You can learn more about stem cells and regenerative medicine by watching the first video below.

There is also a video from 2 years ago, explaining how the stem cell patch for spina bifida would work, from the team that successfully carried out the repair reported in the news this month.

Liz Blamire

Liz is the tutor2u subject lead for Health & Social Care. She is a former NHS midwife, an SSAT Accredited Lead Practitioner, who has taught Health & Social Care in FE and secondary schools. Liz has extensive experience in qualification development, assessment writing, examining and moderation, and is a textbook author. Liz has an MEd in Inclusion and Special Educational Needs.

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