In the News

Living with kidney disease: Dee's story

Liz Blamire

30th November 2022

In 2018 Dee was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease. Her initial reaction was despair but now she hosts a podcast and is sending out messages of support and hope to kidney patients everywhere.

Dee is driven to make a difference to the lives of kidney disease patients and also works with leading kidney disease charities. She is particularly driven to improve care and treatment of patients of black ethnicity, who are five times more likely to need dialysis than white patients!

You can read more about Dee's story and the inequalities facing black kidney patients on the BBC website: 'Kidney disease is not just a death sentence, you can live a full life'

Check out Dee's podcast: Diary of a Kidney Warrior

Liz Blamire

Liz is the tutor2u subject lead for Health & Social Care. She is a former NHS midwife, an SSAT Accredited Lead Practitioner, who has taught Health & Social Care in FE and secondary schools. Liz has extensive experience in qualification development, assessment writing, examining and moderation, and is a textbook author. Liz has an MEd in Inclusion and Special Educational Needs.

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