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Inside the Middlesex Uni West Stand Facilities at the Saracen's StoneX Stadium!

Liz Blamire

24th May 2023

The HSC team at tutor2u took a tour of the amazing facilities at the West Stand, StoneX Stadium - the brand new facilities for Middlesex University Nursing and Midwifery, Sport Science and Natural Sciences students.

The West Stand, StoneX Stadium, North London

Nursing and Midwifery students at Middlesex will now complete all of their clinical skills training at the West Stand, using state-of-the-art technology, such as virtual and augmented reality, Lifecast mannequins including one that gives birth, and experience a full simulated ward environment, together with a birthing room, an ITU environment, a children's ward and a neonatal intensive care unit, a GP consulting room and a domestic setting!

The simulated ward environment includes fully working equipment as found in NHS hospitals for a complete learning experience.

On the tour, we were able to try out the VR headsets to explore a virtual ward and use augmented reality to visualise the internal organs of the human body and brush up on our anatomy and physiology.

Trying out the VR headsets for a fully immersive hospital ward experience.

We were also invited to explore the amazing Sport Science and Natural Sciences facilities. In Sport Science, motion capture cameras and pressure plates can be used to log vast amounts of data during sport performance - earlier that day 25 PGA Golf players had been contributing to a PhD project. We also checked out the VO2 max testing facilities and wet lab (for sampling and analysis of blood, sweat, urine and so on!) In the Neurophysiology lab, we saw a sheep brain dissection and an electroencephalogram (EEG) test.

The Natural Sciences facilities utilise top-of-the-range equipment as found in NHS hospitals, such as this EEG (used with a model to facilitate learning).

Watch the YouTube videos below for more insight into the student experience at Middlesex, however, the University are holding an open day on the 10th June so you can also experience the fantastic technology at the West Stand firsthand - find out more!

Liz Blamire

Liz is the tutor2u subject lead for Health & Social Care. She is a former NHS midwife, an SSAT Accredited Lead Practitioner, who has taught Health & Social Care in FE and secondary schools. Liz has extensive experience in qualification development, assessment writing, examining and moderation, and is a textbook author. Liz has an MEd in Inclusion and Special Educational Needs.

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