Exam Support

Enquiries into Current research in Health & Social Care: Exam Revision Livestreams!

Liz Blamire

1st December 2023

Starting on Monday 4th December, we will be running weekly revision livestreams for students. These 30 minute sessions will feature fun and fast paced revision activities for BTEC National and BTEC Tech Award exams being sat in January.

BTEC National: Unit 4 Enquiries into Current Research in Health & Social Care

Why do we do research? Why is it important?
Monday 4th December at 6pm

Key Concepts in Research
Monday 11th December at 6pm

Covering: primary/secondary research, qualitative/quantitative data, subjective/objective data, generalisability and representativeness, reliability and validity.

Questionnaires and Surveys
Monday 18th December at 6pm

Interviews and Focus Groups
Tuesday 2nd January at 6pm

Observations and Experiments
Monday 8th January at 5pm

Liz Blamire

Liz is the current tutor2u subject lead for Health and Social Care. She is a former NHS midwife, who has worked in community, birth centre and acute hospital settings. Liz is an SSAT Accredited Lead Practitioner, who has taught Health and Social Care in FE and secondary schools, where she was a successful HOD. Liz is an experienced senior examiner and author.

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