Study Notes

The Long Drive


Last updated 24 Oct 2017

The long drive was a difficult journey. The Chisholm Trail took 3 months, and the Goodnight-Loving trail took 6 months. They usually consisted of around 3,000 cattle managed by 12 cowboys. Different cowboys had different jobs, for example there was a wrangler who cared for the horses and a chuck wagon who transported food, water and equipment. Trail bosses, those who led the drive, were paid around $100 per month and other cowboys were paid between $25-$30.

The long drive was a difficult journey. The Chisholm Trail took 3 months, and the Goodnight-Loving trail took 6 months. They usually consisted of around 3,000 cattle managed by 12 cowboys. Different cowboys had different jobs, for example there was a wrangler who cared for the horses and a chuck wagon who transported food, water and equipment. Trail bosses, those who led the drive, were paid around $100 per month and other cowboys were paid between $25-$30.

Longhorn cattle were easily spooked into stampeding and this could cause them to become lost, injured, killed, and to lose weight from running for so long. There were also the threats of attacks from Indians, wild animals, theft and crossing rivers.

The cowboys would be paid at the end of the trail and would celebrate by buying new clothes, gambling and dancing.

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