
Why did the PLO and Israel sign a Peace Accord in 1995?

Jim Riley

13th March 2008

Many thanks to my GCSE set for coming up with this structure for a possible GCSE question:

Here they come up with five reasons for the Peace Accord:

1. After Gulf War PLO had become isolated and short of money
Arafat’s support for Saddam made his position more vulnerable. This pressured him into needing to do a deal with Israel. Arafat loses financial support from Saudi Arabia

2. PLO felt threatened by rise of Hamas
To regain the support and leadership of the Palestinian people the PLO needed a big victory. Doing a peace deal would get this victory. December 1992 Upsurge in Hamas attacks on Israel.

3. New Israeli leader, Rabin, more willing to compromise
Rabin saw the futility of trying to stay in control of Gaza and the West Bank. To save Israeli lives he looked for a peace deal. The US states that it will reduce financial support to Israel if they do not negotiate

4. The Intifada made the Palestinian cause more popular, the Israeli cause less so.
This gave the PLO a stronger position whilst the Israelis would want to improve their tarnished reputation. TV news reports showed Israeli soldiers breaking the bones of teenage Palestinian protesters.

5. Arafat changed tactics and wanted peace
Arafat realized that he could not defeat Israel militarily. He saw a peace deal as a better opportunity to get what he wanted. In 1988 Arafat accepts the USA’s three demands (reject terror, recognize Israel, accept UN Res 242)

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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