
Is Maggie history?

Jim Riley

1st February 2008

Tonight Baroness Thatcher was awarded with a lifetime achievement award (whatever that means) by David Cameron at the Morgan Stanley Great Briton Awards. Read the story here:

But as more and more A Level History courses now include topics on Thatcher’s Britain it might be worth considering at what point currents affairs become history. Are we too close to events to be able to unravel Thatcher’s legacy both domestically and internationally?

Whatever the case it is undeniable that the Thatcher Premiership and its impact on the United Kingdom will be exhaustively debated. A good starting point, in terms of the documentary evidence, can be found online: Increasingly historical archives are becoming available on the web - a trend that can only be a good thing in terms of the accessibility of history. I suspect that the days of historians spending months in dusty libraries are numbered. You can find thousands of documents, photos and videos of the Iron Lady from which to make your judgement on her time in power. Further to this, you can buy the merchandise on ebay.

My personal favourite is the mug depicting Mrs T holding a whip! Take a look here!

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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