History’s Top Five Love Affairs make Sarkozy and Bruni look second rate

4th February 2008
Forget the love affair between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his new bride Carla Bruni. ( As usual history provides us with copious comparisons that outshine what the media think is unique. So, in this entry, we list five matches that make the Sarkozy-Bruni partnership seem distinctly second-rate.
Antony and Cleopatra The last Pharaoh of Egypt and the dashing Roman general
Abelard and Heloise A monk and a nun whose love letters became famous
Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal Grieving emperor who built the Taj Mahal for his late wife
Nelson and Lady Hamilton The Admiral and his ill-fated beauty
Napoleon and Josephine The tempestuous relationship that enthralled a continent