
Dear Historian, I’ve got a problem - can the past help me? From Rowan, Lambeth Palace

Jim Riley

11th February 2008

Dear Historian, I’ve got a problem - can the past help me?

I’m a religious leader, used to speaking out on issues that concern the moral and spiritual health of the country. This time, however, I’ve said something that seems to have hit a raw nerve - and many are calling for me to quit. Am I right to be feeling a bit nervous?



Dear R,

Don’t worry. What you might have said may not have been to everyone’s liking you shouldn’t panic. All the negative headlines and hot air generated by predecessors pale into insignificance compared to the fate of someone who sat in your chair getting on for 850 years ago. If you think that you’ve got a problem then have a look at the fate of Thomas Beckett in 1170. He clashed with his boss, Henry II, who, with one sentence “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?” sealed the fate of his chief churchman. So, whilst it might all seem rather overwhelming at the moment at least you won’t have several heavily armed assassins heading your way.

I hope that this helps,

The Historian

P.S To find out a bit more and set your mind further at rest have a look at these links:

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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