Study Notes

Coastal Systems - Sand Dune Succession: Psammosere Development

AS, A-Level
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 22 Mar 2021

Sand dunes may grow in front and behind initiating dunes. Over time a succession of plants colonises a dune system which also gives a longitudinal profile from upper beach extending inland. As new sand dunes evolve towards heath and pine woodland inland, the ecological succession is called a psammosere.

Psammosere Development

Key ecosystem concepts:

Plant succession: dominant species colonising a habitat, changing the features of the habitat, and making it more conducive for other species to colonise and thrive.

Climatic climax community: The dominant plant species at the end of a phase of plant succession that reaches a state of ecological equilibrium appropriate to the climate experienced there.

Seral community: one or more of the intermediate stages of dominant vegetation stages on the way to a climatic climax community.

Psammosere: the characteristic plant succession that develops on a new sand dune ecosystem and achieves, or is on the way to achieving a climax community.

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