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PEEL 9 Mark Question Planning Grid | AQA GCSE Geography | Paper 1: The Living World - Tropical Rainforests


Last updated 19 Jan 2023

Here is a PEEL planning grid to use with students to help them develop their 9 mark answers.

This is for Paper 1 - Unit B: The Living World

Grid 1 - To what extent does sustainable exploitation of tropical rainforests need both national and international efforts? (9 marks + 3 SPaG)

This PEEL planning grid has been produced by Amy Holloway (@hollowaygeog on Twitter) - she is currently working on a series of planning grids covering all units so please check back as we update the collection.

Download the GCSE Geography PEEL 9 Mark Question Planning Grid | Paper 1: The Living World Grid 1 - Tropical Rainforests

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