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The reality of urban change for a community's sense of place in an inner city location.

3rd February 2017
Regeneration of older, run-down inner-city neighbourhoods is often portrayed as an improvement upon what went before. This community in Seattle is clear about what they'll lose as their 'place' undergoes change.
This sensitive and hauntingly photographed short film (27 mins) listens to the voices of a low-income community in Seattle, Washington state. As encroaching redevelopment and gentrification threatens their (neighbour)'hood, they talk about what the community means to them and how they have developed an intimate sense of place with the area.
Yesler Terrace was the first subsidised housing (equivalent of local authority/council housing in the UK) built in Washington state in 1941. In 2013 Seattle Housing Authority plans involved demolishing the neighbourhood and rebuilding more modern condominiums at higher density, and largely aimed at a higher income resident population wanting to live closer in to the city centre (downtown) rather than further out into the suburbs, as their 1960s forebears preferred.
The film has geographical richness in many dimensions: social structure, migration, re-urbanisation, gentrification, urban regeneration, social power relationships - all bound up in an almost tangible sense of an imminently changing place.
The Global Oneness Project presents a range of suggestions for using the film in class, identifying possible approaches to frame the watching of the film, analysis of the viewing, and follow-up activities in a document highly applicable to UK geography classrooms. The lesson plan: 'Relocating Residents: the impact of housing on community' is available here
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