
The Big Storm - using it to teach weather

Jim Riley

28th October 2013

 The weather of the last twenty four hours has given a great opportunity to Geography teachers. Students love learning about recent events and always have a lot to say about them. It's even better when they have experienced an event first hand. So baring all that in mind I have put together a lesson activity.

Below is a thinking skills activity which is based on David Leat's living graph idea. Students have to read and interpret the rainfall, pressure and wind speed graphs. Then they can add label lines from the pictures and statements to appropriate places on the graphs' timeline axes depending upon which stage of the storm they think the events occurred. This activity should appeal to visual learners. It could be differentiated for higher ability pupils by adding an extension task of finding another couple of statements and or pictures and adding them to the graphs too.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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