
Here Comes a Plastic Bag Tax in England

Jim Riley

17th September 2013

 Will the introduction of a plastic bag tax have a positive impact on the environment in England? Shoppers in England will be charged 5p for plastic bags in stores starting in Autumn 2015.

The potential benefits of the tax include:

  • Encouraging environmentally friendly behaviour
  • Less visual pollution from plastic bags which litter our cities and countryside
  • Reducing our waste levels as plastic bags take up to 1,000 years to decompose in our landfills
  • Protecting wildlife
  • Promoting the use of environmentally friendly carrier bags

The imposition of charges for plastic bag supply isn't new. Marks and Spencer (M&S) food halls have had a 5p charge on plastic bags since 2008 at which stage 464 million bags were being handed out. By 2012 M&S report that this had fallen to 116 million.

Wales and Northern Ireland introduced the tax last year, with Scotland to follow in 2014.

The Republic of Ireland has had the tax since 2002 where 15 cents was the initial charge. This was increased to 22 cent in 2007 and has resulted in a 90% decline in plastic bag usage.

While some argue its another tax on the lower income earners it does promote positive action and protects our environment.

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Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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