When a fire swept through an area of forest in Spain in 2012, a group of Mediterranean Cypress trees were unaffected.

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5th September 2015

Cities and Exercise

The health benefits of even a moderate level of daily exercise are well understood. However, modern living doesn't do much to encourage us to abandon our increasingly sedentary lifestyles.What can...

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Deforestation remains a significant issue for our planet. However, this excellent video from the WSJ provides a ray of sunshine. The world has more trees than is commonly thought. The latest...

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The news is full of often distressing images and videos of the growing refugee crisis in Europe.As tens of thousands of refugees continue to stream into Europe, the EU's Schengen passport-free zone...

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If deforestation continues on its current course, we'll have lost an area of tropical forest the size of India by 2050. This video explains why forest preservation is one of our best defenses...

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Population Reference Bureau have just released 2015 population data. Great for discussions in lessons.

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Many year 7s have limited experience and knowledge of our subject. That's why it's so important we gain their interest in the first lesson!

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As the pressure builds on pupils to achieve, with even harder subject content and skills to demonstrate, what better way to get them thinking each lesson than with really imaginative starters!

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I'm going to try to get my students to think more deeply about topics, and develop their explanation skills this year. I've been inspired by Ian Gilbert's "The Little Book of Thunks" to come up...

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The NIMBY-ism (‘not in my backyard’) of local politics leads to a bias against large cities that constrains national productivity growth. That is the central conclusion of a study by Frederic...

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London, Aberdeen, Crawley and Reading feature as the four cities in the United Kingdom with the highest weekly earnings in 2014. The data below is from the Centre for Cities which provides a wealth...

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This brilliant tool from the Guardian would make a really thought provoking starter.

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27th August 2015

Water cycle in a bag

This very basic experiment would be great to do with younger pupils at the start of a lesson on the water cycle. Once you have taught all the processes and terminology associated with the water...

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So what's a 'Thunk'? Well its a stimulus - often pictorial - for getting students thinking, exploring and enquiring - a 'chunk of thinking'. It's not only a useful way to settle a new class into...

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Ageing populations and increasing fertility contribute to future population growth.

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What an eye-catching, stunning project to reduce the impact of the persistent drought in California.

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My countdown of the ten best geography-related movies to watch over the holidays continues with numbers 5,4 3 2 & 1.

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So I've tried to order my favourite Geography movies/box sets from 10 to 1. Included Hollywood hits and documentaries

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Is it down to money - and paying more allowance for each extra child? Or offering both paternity as well as maternity leave when they arrive? Maybe getting to the front of the queue will do it (for...

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The world's population is likely to grow to 9.7 billion by 2050 from the current 7.3 billion according to the latest UN report.

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