The UN has stated that climate change will have a detrimental effect upon the poorest in the World. Whilst the richer will be able to protect themselves from the impacts of climate change; the...

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The four largest reservoirs in Chennai India are reported to have run dry prompting a crisis that threatens social cohesion in an urban population approaching eleven million.

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This stunning interactive resource illustrates and explains how the UK has transformed its electricity generation over the last 10 years.

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Four new marine protection areas are planned which would cover 5000 square miles. This is to protect the feeding grounds for minke whales which often travel to these coastlines to feed on juvenile...

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The UK has not used coal to generate electricity for two weeks and this is the longest time since the 1880s. Coal is no longer an economically viable energy source and with global pressure mounting...

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Concerns have been raised by the Congolese government about terror groups attacking health centres. They have requested for data regarding health care funding to be kept secret to avoid those...

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Movement in the mine pit is putting pressure on the embankment of the Sul Superior dam and it is likely to fail next week causing significant problems for the surrounding area.

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A report written by the UN states that a million plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction.

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In a letter to the journal "Science", 600 scientists have urged decision makes in the EU to put sustainability at the forefront of their proposals for their trade agreements to Brazil.

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Despite interventions over decades to protect primary tropical rainforests, some areas are experiencing deforestation at an alarming rate.

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Concerns have been raised about the current rise in deaths from ebola. Of the 1206 cases recorded in the DRC since last August, more than 150 of these have occurred in the last two weeks.

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Fears have existed for a long time that global warming could have significant impacts on Antarctica. Scientists studying the Brunt ice shelf have now released evidence to show that changes to the...

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Two recent articles serve to highlight how securing access to fresh water is causing tensions, both within countries between various communities, and across borders with neighbouring countries. If...

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China, for over four decades, renowned for its aggressive one-child policy to prevent over-rapid population growth, eased up on its anti-natalist programme in 2016 by allowing two children per...

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The third runway at Heathrow has plans for the flight paths to be directly over Richmond Park.

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Pollinators such as bees and many micro-organisms which are responsible for decomposition and fertilising soils are declining in number.

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Many people think that these suggestions are due to BP needing to ensure there will still be a demand for oil based products in the future.

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I spotted this tweet from Erick Solheim pointing to the example of farmers in who Kenya have found innovative solution to stop frequent landslides.

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As a result of glacial calving on the glacier, a 2 metre tidal surge occurred on the glacial meltwater lake below.

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Over 35,000 lakes are expected to be ice free within a generation, if the earth warms as much as scientists predict.

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