Wildfires across Europe have led to evacuations of many villages and towns. Turkey, southern Italy and Greece are experiencing wildfires breakouts which are difficult to control. The EU is having...

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The Great Barrier Reef has already been harmed by three bleaching events in the last five years. 50% of the shallow water coral organisms have been destroyed by these events and scientists predict...

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The Forest Stewardship Council has found evidence that the Korindo group has been setting fire to areas of rainforest in Papau in Indonesia. This violates the standards that the FSC has in regard...

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10 questions about Geography in the news for A level students. Can you get 10/10?

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Western Canada has experienced record temperatures over the past few days leading to a number of fires across the region. British Colombia in particular has been hit badly with lightning strikes...

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10 questions about Geography in the news for A level students. Can you get 10/10?

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As geographers we’re used to dealing with key indicators, like birth rate or death rate, life expectancy, infant mortality rate. We use statistics about populations every day which have been...

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The unusual weather event hit several villages in the country; killing five people and injuring more than 150 people.

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10 questions about Geography in the news for A level students. Can you get 10/10?

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10 questions about Geography in the news for A level students. Can you get 10/10?

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Concerns have been raised by an international group of scientists that simple, rapid responses to climate change to try to offset carbon emissions could actually cause more harm to the planet.

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10 questions about Geography in the news for A level students. Can you get 10/10?

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The wealthy nations have come up with a landmark deal in which multinational companies will have to pay a set minimum rate of tax in all countries where they do business.

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Plan International’s withdrawal from Sri Lanka last year has left the charity facing accusations of abandoning 20,000 children.

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10 questions about Geography in the news for A level students. Can you get 10/10?

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10 questions about Geography in the news for A level students. Can you get 10/10?

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Covid 19 has led to changes in working habits and home working which has caused a decline in traffic across the UK. Future rail and road improvements worth billions of pounds are now under review...

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10 questions about Geography in the news for A level students. Can you get 10/10?

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French scientists, who have studied nearly all glaciers on the planet, have found that they are melting at an accelerated rate and are likely to contribute to 1/5 of global sea level rise.

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10 questions about Geography in the news for A level students. Can you get 10/10?

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