In the News

Heatwave hits Europe

Joanne Parkinson

5th August 2017

44 degree heat affecting many areas within Europe; particularly the Balkans and Italy.

Many areas are experiencing extreme heat with temperatures that haven't been seen in over ten years. Two people are known to have died and that number is expected to rise over the weekend and into next week, with the young, elderly and frail the most vulnerable. Warnings from governments have been given to stay indoors and drink plenty of fluids. However, many places affected are tourist resorts and this could have an impact on tourism with people having to stay indoors rather than sightsee. Rome is currently experiencing temperatures of 37 degrees and upwards and this is due to continue into next week.

The heatwave has drifted in from Africa and is also causing drought conditions in many areas, with major rivers running low. Wildfires across highly vegetated areas are also a problem. Wildfires near Albania's capital Tirana are out of control and EU help has been requested by the Albanian government.

The major concern is that the current heatwave is only the start of a series of hazardous weather events due to climate change. Heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms have all shown an increase in recent times and this is set to continue. For more information check out this BBC news report

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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