Grey army to the rescue: benefits of an ageing population
26th January 2014
Studying the positive and negative impacts of an ageing population is an important part of the population topics at both GCSE and A Level. A report by the Royal Voluntary Service has highlighted the significant role played by the over 60s in the UK's voluntary sector.Exam questions often ask students to consider the economic, social and political consequences of the increasing proportion of the elderly in a country's population and this article provides recent factual detail that can be used in putting forward the economic and social advantages of such an age structure. According to a recent report the over 60s contribute the equivalent of £10 billion to the economy through unpaid work each year which is in addition to the £40 billion contributed through taxes and spending of the "silver" section of society.Daily Telegraph article: Grey army of 5 million volunteers 'plugging gaps in social care'