
“Car free” Sundays in London

Joanne Parkinson

30th November 2014

After experiencing a "car free" environment in Jakarta, Indonesia, Boris Johnson recognises the benefits of such a strategy happening in London, where CO2 emissions and issues with free-flowing transport are an issue.

The strategy of closing off the roads in certain areas of Jakarta to any traffic other than pedal bikes and walkers has been a tremendous success. This strategy has existed for 16 years with the vast majority of the population in support of the idea. Not only does this reduce the levels of harmful gases in the lower atmosphere but it also reduces pressure on the roads and allows people in Jakarta to enjoy stress-free Sundays as they socialise with their families.

Boris Johnson recognises that the implementation of such a strategy does not come easily as many Londoners and visitors will not like having their choice of transport dictated to them. However, as has happened with sporting events such as the London Marathon, locals and tourists will soon become accustomed to the changes and the benefits they bring.

Implementing such a strategy could work well alongside other sustainable transport methods, such as the Barclays bike scheme. I shall enjoy discussing this further with my classes when we will evaluate the success of such a scheme.

Boris rides through Jakarta

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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