
A whole new world

Jim Riley

18th July 2011

Well here I go, first blog, first days as a new Head of Department, first step into the world of Geography teaching…although not my first step into the world of education! I thought a summary of me, my background and my passion for teaching might be a good place to start.

I am currently in my fifth year of teaching. Six years ago I completed my degree in Business Management at Lincoln University and suddenly had to brainstorm my options for my future! I got into teaching through the Student Association Scheme and as well as bagging myself £40 a day I also bagged myself an unexpected passion for standing at the front of a classroom and creating exciting learning opportunities for young people. I quickly enrolled on a PGCE course and, whilst at my second placement school, was offered a position within the Business Studies Department.

Over the last five years my passion for enterprise education has grown. I became the school’s enterprise coordinator after I gained QTS and quickly saw it’s potential as a positive influence on the lives, aspiration and ambition of my students. Two years ago I was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to work on secondment with the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT) as the Regional Enterprise Coordinator for the East Midlands. This was part of the wider Government funded Enterprise Network. During this time I realised the true power and possibilities enterprise has for young learners.

Regrettably, Government funding withdrew but I, along with many fantastic colleagues I have met over the last few years, still have a fire to drive forward enterprise education. I have worked on many fantastic projects involving learners as young as five right up to working with post-graduates at University. The beauty of enterprise is that it works across age groups, across geographical boundaries, across genders etc - it is limitless in its reach and success. My work within enterprise at my own school has led to national recogntion - in February of this year the Business Studies department was judged by Ofsted to have an outstanding provision in all the assessed categories.

Change is of course unavoidable however and I now find myself leading the Geography department at my school - Lincoln Castle Academy. My task? To improve the standard of learning and achievement within Geography so we are an outstanding department too. My reason for starting this blog is to share my journey with others as I discover the world of Geography education and use enterprising teaching and learning to reinvent the subject within my school. Geography was my favourite subject at school - my job here will be to rediscover the spark and the exciting possibilities Geography has to offer. I hope through this blog, that I can share the hidden gems with you.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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