
Wildcat strike

Also known as “unofficial industrial action”, a wildcat strike is taken by unionised workers without official approval or authorisation by union officials.

A wildcat strike refers to a strike that is undertaken without the approval or involvement of a trade union or other formal organization. It's a form of industrial action that is undertaken spontaneously by workers, often as a response to poor working conditions or other grievances. Some key characteristics of wildcat strikes include:

  • They're typically unplanned and unannounced.
  • They can spread quickly and unpredictably.
  • They're often difficult to control or manage.
  • They can be highly disruptive to businesses and cause economic losses.
  • They can be a sign of deep dissatisfaction among workers.

Wildcat strikes can be seen as a way for workers to assert their power and demand better working conditions, but they can also lead to negative consequences such as job losses, legal action, and public backlash.

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