
Vocational Education

Vocational education, also known as career and technical education, is education that is directly related to a particular trade, occupation, or vocation. It is designed to prepare students for a specific career, and typically focuses on practical, hands-on training and skills development, rather than theoretical knowledge.

In the UK, vocational education is provided by a range of institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities. It can be taken at various levels, from short courses and apprenticeships to associate degrees and higher.

An example of vocational education in the UK is an apprenticeship. Apprenticeships are work-based training programs that combine on-the-job experience with classroom learning. They are designed to help individuals learn the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a particular career, and can lead to a recognized qualification.

Other examples of vocational education in the UK include technical and vocational courses at further education (FE) colleges, and foundation degrees and higher national diplomas (HNDs) offered by universities.

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