Trade Union
A trade union is an organised group of employees who work together to represent and protect the rights of workers, usually by using collective bargaining techniques. Trade union membership as a proportion of all employees in the UK declined from 32.4% in 1995 to 23.2% in 2017.
Espresso or Equity? The Fight for Fair Pay at Starbucks
22nd December 2024
- Influence of Trade Unions (AQA A-Level Economics Teaching PowerPoint)
Teaching PowerPoints
Is the UK heading for a 1970s-style Winter of Discontent?
14th December 2022
TUC launch campaign for £15 per hour national minimum wage
24th August 2022
Trade Unions - Workers Lobby in the USA for Unionisation
19th August 2022
Will UK trade union membership start to rise again?
7th August 2022
Is the UK economy facing a summer of discontent on pay?
17th July 2022
Labour Market Diagrams - Six Short Revision Videos
Topic Videos
Trade Unions in the UK (Labour Markets)
Topic Videos
Trade Unions - Wages and Jobs (Labour Markets)
Topic Videos
Amazon must improve working conditions say unions
12th October 2020
A* Evaluation on Trade Unions
Topic Videos
Trade Unions in a Monopsony Labour Market
Topic Videos
Supply-Side Reforms (Labour Markets)
Study Notes
Trade Unions (Labour Markets)
Study Notes
Trade Unions and Real Wages (Chain of Analysis)
Exam Support
Are trade unions needed more than ever?
20th December 2016
What have Trade Unions ever done for us?
10th February 2016
Beyond the Bike - a journey to the heart of the EU from London
10th September 2015
Working for the Economy - Trade Union Reform
16th September 2015
Beyond the Bike Lesson Resource: Stages of Economic Integration
22nd October 2015