

Technological diffusion refers to the process through which a new technology spreads or is adopted by individuals and organizations. This can happen through various channels, such as adoption by early adopters or through the influence of opinion leaders.

One example of technological diffusion is the adoption of smartphones. When smartphones were first introduced, they were expensive and only available to a small group of people. However, as the technology improved and prices dropped, more and more people began to adopt smartphones. Today, smartphones are widely used by people all over the world.

Another example of technological diffusion is the adoption of social media platforms. When platforms like Facebook and Twitter first appeared, they were used primarily by young people. However, as they became more popular, they were adopted by people of all ages and are now used by billions of people around the world.

Technological diffusion can also occur within organizations. For example, a company may adopt a new software system or a new manufacturing process. The adoption of these technologies can help the company improve efficiency and productivity, but it may also require training and other resources to ensure a smooth transition

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