A multinational firm, also known as a transnational corporation or a global enterprise, is a company that operates in multiple countries around the world. These companies typically have subsidiaries, branches, or partners in different countries, and they engage in cross-border production, distribution, and marketing activities. Some of the key features of a multinational firm include:
- Large size, often with significant financial resources
- Operations in multiple countries
- Ability to shift production and investment across borders
- Ability to transfer technology and knowledge across borders
- Ability to influence national and international policy
- Political and economic influence on host countries
Multinational firms play a significant role in the global economy, and they often wield significant economic and political power.
The EU vs. Big Tech: A New Era of Accountability?
11th September 2024
Globalisation - Evaluating Benefits and Costs
Exam Support
Transnational businesses and globalisation
Study Notes
Globalisation: How can we tax the footloose multinationals?
14th February 2019
Why Multinationals Love Some Places, but Ignore Others
28th December 2018
Ireland as a tax haven for multinationals
10th September 2018
Beyond the Bike - assessing the Thai economy
4th March 2016
Do Transnational Corporations pay Higher Wages?
17th January 2016