
Institute for Fiscal Studies

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) is an independent research organization based in the United Kingdom. It conducts research and provides analysis and commentary on a wide range of economic and social policy issues, with a focus on the UK. The IFS aims to improve public understanding of economic policy issues and to inform policy debates with rigorous, impartial and evidence-based research.

The IFS covers a wide range of topics, including tax and spending policy, social security, education, health, housing, and the labor market. Its research is widely cited by policy makers, the media, and the public, and it has a reputation for providing impartial and authoritative analysis.

The IFS is independent and non-partisan, and its research is funded by a range of sources, including government grants, charitable trusts, and private individuals. The organization is committed to transparency and openness in its research and publication processes, and it strives to ensure that its research is widely accessible to the public.

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